# Source In order to create an image, a source must be defined. The source section is defined as follows: ```yaml source: downloader: # required url: keys: keyserver: variant: suite: same_as: skip_verification: components: ``` The `downloader` field defines a downloader which pulls a rootfs image which will be used as a starting point. It needs to be one of * `alpinelinux-http` * `alt-http` * `apertis-http` * `archlinux-http` * `centos-http` * `debootstrap` * `docker-http` * `fedora-http` * `funtoo-http` * `gentoo-http` * `nixos-http` * `openeuler-http` * `opensuse-http` * `openwrt-http` * `oraclelinux-http` * `sabayon-http` * `rootfs-http` * `ubuntu-http` * `voidlinux-http` The `url` field defines the URL or mirror of the rootfs image. Although this field is not required, most downloaders will need it. The `rootfs-http` downloader also supports local image files when prefixed with `file://`, e.g. `url: file:///home/user/image.tar.gz` or `url: file:///home/user/image.squashfs`. The `keys` field is a list of GPG keys. These keys can be listed as fingerprints or armored keys. The latter has the advantage of not having to rely on a key server to download the key from. The keys are used to verify the downloaded rootfs tarball if downloaded from a insecure source (HTTP). The `keyserver` defaults to `hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net` if none is provided. The `variant` field is only used in a few distributions and defaults to `default`. Here's a list downloaders and their possible variants: * `centos-http`: `minimal`, `netinstall`, `LiveDVD` * `debootstrap`: `default`, `minbase`, `buildd`, `fakechroot` * `ubuntu-http`: `default`, `core` * `voidlinux-http`: `default`, `musl` All other downloaders ignore this field. The `suite` field is only used by the `debootstrap` downloader. If set, `debootstrap` will use `suite` instead of `image.release` as its first positional argument. If the `same_as` field is set, LXD imagebuilder creates a temporary symlink in `/usr/share/debootstrap/scripts` which points to the `same_as` file inside that directory. This can be used if you want to run `debootstrap foo` but `foo` is missing due to `debootstrap` not being up-to-date. If `skip_verification` is true, the source tarball is not verified. If the `components` field is set, `debootstrap` will use packages from the listed components. If a package set has the `early` flag enabled, that list of packages will be installed while the source is being downloaded. (Note that `early` packages are only supported by the `debootstrap` downloader.)