How to build the simple streams index

  simplestream-maintainer build <path> [flags]

      --build-webpage           Build index.html
  -d, --image-dir strings       Image directory (relative to path argument) (default [images])
      --stream-version string   Stream version (default "v1")
      --workers int             Maximum number of concurrent operations (default "<max_cpu>/2")

The build command is used to update the product catalog and generate a corresponding simple streams index file. This is achieved by first reading the existing product catalog, and then traversing through the actual directory tree of the stream to detect the differences.

Each new product version is analyzed to ensure it is complete, which means the version contains all the required files (metadata and rootfs) and is not hidden. For complete versions, the file hashes are calculated and, if necessary, delta files are generated.

The final product catalog is generated in streams/<stream_version>/<stream>.json and the index file in streams/<stream_version>/index.json.

Checksum verification

If a specific version contains a SHA256SUMS file, checksums are parsed from it, and compared against the calculated file hashes. If there is a mismatch, the version is not included in the final product catalog.

This allows verification of images that are built on the remote location and pushed to the simple streams server.


The build command allows to optionally generate a static webpage (index.html) in the stream’s root directory. The resulting webpage contains a table of all products that are extracted from the final product catalog.